What is Google Ad Grants?

The Google Ad Grant is $10,000 a month of in-kind advertising spend that Google funds nonprofits to allocate to their search campaigns on the global search engine. As a trusted Google Ad Grant Partner, we help nonprofits utilize the Ad Grant as a way to increase their visibility online and lead users to key landing pages!

How Google Ad Grants Help Your Nonprofit

It's Free

The Google Ad Grant is provided at absolutely no cost to you. That’s $120,000 per year that your nonprofit can utilize for free.

Increased Web Traffic

Google search ads can bring thousands of new and qualified website visitors to nonprofit websites that lead to donor, volunteer, and supporter acquisition; increased event ticket sales; and increased awareness and support for missions and causes everywhere.

Diversified Strategy

The Google Ad Grant adds diversity to your digital marketing suite by providing more insights on what can perform well in a Paid Google Ads account. It’s a shortcut (at no monetary cost to you) to the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

How Does Community Boost Help with Google Ad Grant Management?

Partnering with Community Boost for Google Ad Grant management offers nonprofits specialized expertise, customized strategies, and comprehensive support to maximize their $10,000 monthly ad spend. We handle everything from grant application and account setup to keyword research, ad creation, campaign optimization, and compliance. Our tailored approach ensures your ads drive traffic to key landing pages, increasing visibility and impact. For those who prefer in-house management, our Community Boost Accelerator Trainings provide the skills needed to effectively manage and optimize Google Grants for nonprofits.

Dive into the full potential of Google Ad Grants with us. Our experts are here to uncover the strengths of your current strategy, reveal new opportunities, and share essential tips to maximize this powerful tool for your nonprofit.


The Trevor Project

Learn how we used the Google Ad Grant to increase donations using a consistent strategy of non-branded and quality search terms.
  • 8,029 Website Visitors Sent from the Ad Grant
  • $66,045 Ad Grant Donation Revenue
  • 310 Direct Donation Transactions
See more case studies

Google Ad Spend Managed Last Year


Conversions for Impact


Direct Donation Revenue Generated


  • Who is eligible for a Google Ad Grant?

    To be eligible for the Google Ad Grant, a nonprofit must hold a 501(c)(3) charity status. And in order to begin the Ad Grants activation process, a nonprofit must first be approved through Google for Nonprofits. If you don’t have a Google for Nonprofits account, you can create one here.

  • Is the $10,000 loaded in the account all at once?

    No. In a Google Ad Grant account, the money is allocated daily with a maximum budget of $329/day. 

  • Can I get the Google Ad Grant if my nonprofit already has a Paid Google Ads account?

    Yes! The two accounts are not mutually exclusive. In fact, we recommend that organizations utilize both paid search and their Google Ad Grant account depending on what their goals are.

  • Is Google Ad Grants Worth It?

    Nonprofits who participate in the Google Ad Grant program are awarded $10,000 a month in free advertising! So yes, it's worth it but it is crucial to understand why nonprofits don't see results . It is an algorithm that is hard to understand if you are not an expert. At Community Boost, we send new traffic to custom landing pages, relevant to the search queries and nonprofits that we work with. Then, we capture their email address and create a series of emails, building the relationship between the potential support and the nonprofit. With our expertise and finely-tuned processes, we have helped our nonprofit clients utilize their Ad Grants to the fullest, and actually see results with increased email sign up and donations. Let's Work Together

  • Can I do everything in an Ad Grant account that I can do in a regular paid account?

    No, Google Ad Grant accounts have specific stipulations that do not exist within a Paid Google Ads account. These stipulations include a $2 maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid limit, the requirement to maintain a 5% click-through rate (CTR) each month, the prohibition of bidding on single-word or overly generic keywords, and adherence to Google's ad quality standards. Additionally, Google Ad Grant accounts must have geo-targeting and at least two ad groups per campaign, each with at least two active ads and relevant site link extensions. These rules ensure that the grant is used effectively and ethically to benefit nonprofits. Learn More

  • Will my nonprofit automatically show up on the first page of Google’s search results?

    As with any type of advertising campaign, results are never guaranteed. That being said, the Google Ad Grant has great potential to yield first page Google search results.

  • I have a Google Ad Grant account but it’s not spending $10,000/mo. Am I doing something wrong?

    Maybe. While not implausible, it is actually quite rare that an account spends the full amount each month. If your account isn’t spending the full $10,000 but is close, then we wouldn’t worry. Definitely keep trying to utilize the full amount, but don’t compromise your strategy with an abundance of weak keywords in doing so. If your nonprofit’s Ad Grant account is really not spending anything, then it might be time to revisit your campaign strategy and get creative with your targeting. 

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