How To Get New Donors By Writing Compelling Ads
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Find New Donors With The Google Ad Grant
Believe it or not, connecting with potential donors can be done! And it can be done without spending a dime on advertising (thank you Google!). We have a few of our favorite tips and tricks to writing the best ad copy to reach people who want to be a part of your organization, but just don’t know it yet. If you aren’t already familiar with the Google Ad Grant, then please read our blog post on how to unlock $10,000 in ad spend here.
Writing ad copy can be a daunting and intimidating task to some let alone requesting users to donate or participate in your organization is truly a huge ask in such a small amount of space. You find a few of our top hacks from writing ad copy that will bring in qualified clicks and conversions to your nonprofit.
Let’s break it down.
Writing Powerful Ads – The Breakdown
Headline 1 – Answer a Question
- Don’t waste any space in your ad including verbiage of what the user is already searching for, answer their question.
- For example, many nonprofits may use their organization name or a generic headline on what the organization accomplishes. For example instead of saying “Homeless Charity” you can say “Housing For Homeless Veterans”. This answers a question and provides more detail.

Headline 2 – Include Statistics & Numbers
- Time and time again it has been proven that including numbers and statistics are really helpful for nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations have the unique opportunity to provide value by sharing facts and information.
- This can include either statistics on why a user would want to get in involved or a statistic on how your organization is helping.
- For example, 43% Of Women In Need OR Serving Over 100 Veterans.

Description – Call Your Donors Into Action
You have 80 characters to give more details and create a call to action! You have a lot of space to work with, but be sure to not get caught up in writing a script. Your call to action is most important and then see if you have space to add in any additional details about your organization.

Helpful Tips For Winning Donor Attention
Research Your “Competitors”
We don’t use the word competitors when speaking about your fellow nonprofits who want to impact the world for the better, but it’s helpful to see what other similar organizations are saying. Your organization has other aspects that make it unique, identify and highlight what makes you unique in your ad copy. There are tools like SEM Rush & SpyFu that let you do this.
Be Personal
Asking people to become interested and potentially donate to your cause is personal! Try testing out a call to action that includes “You”. For example, Discover how you can save a species in Africa today.
Provide Value
As much as we would love think differently, people donate because they are gaining some sort of value. Often times organizations flourish when the donor is receiving a gift, a T-shirt, etc. Your organization has tons of value, utilize it! Whether it be facts, swag items, or a community of supporters.
Think about what value you offer your supporters and flaunt it. Maybe you are not giving away free yoga mats with each donation, but you have facts about how your organization is changing the world, you have touching stories or lives you have changed, all of these examples are value to donors. It is really important to include these specifics in your ad copy.