Proven Tips to Drive More Year-End Donations

by Cameron Ripley  |   |  Fundraising  |  0 comments

2 min to read ✭ In this post, we'll share our learnings from last year on how you can drive more year-end donations in 2019.

Top Takeaways from 2018

When it comes to Google Ad Grants and driving year-end donations, two major takeaways from 2018 were that maximize conversions combined with dynamic purchase amounts can and will make a difference with scaling year-end donations. Secondly, donation focused copy and donation focused landing pages in combination with non-branded awareness-based traffic can lead to further impact. 


Tracking Donations Through the Google Ad Grant

Within both branded and non-branded campaigns, the ability to track donations clearly through the Grant in combination with maximize conversions bidding strategy opened up the gates to finding the right person at the right time, cementing Ad Grants as a main revenue source for nonprofits.


Learning When to Ask

Additionally, by asking people to specifically donate in addition to sending them to a donation form when they may have been looking for general information on the subject helped increase overall donation metrics. Our speculation was that through asking them to donate directly within the ad, we were able to in a way “warm up” their intentions so by the time they would see the donation form in combination with what they were searching, they would feel somewhat less blindsided by the ask. 


Testing Paid Google Ads

Lastly, we always see a big spike in donations from Google ad visitors on Giving Tuesday and the last few days of the year, December 31st especially. If you can increase your paid Google ad budgets on any days, test and do it here!

Cameron Ripley

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