Friday Five 011: How To Be More Intentional With Social Media & Reach Different Audiences

by Cameron Ripley  |   |  Strategy  |  0 comments

2 min to read ✭ Join us in Episode 011 of the Friday Five, as we cover how to be more intentional with social posts and reach different audiences through social media and Google Ad Grant.

What is the Friday Five?

Each Friday, we will be answering your most pressing questions from our Digital Marketing for Nonprofits Facebook group. If we don’t cover a challenge that you or your nonprofit colleagues are facing, drop us a comment below or tweet us @CommunityBoost and we’ll add it to the queue.

Let’s dive in!


Nonprofit Marketing Challenges

1) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: Being intentional and thoughtful about our posts.” – Jessica, Manzano Day School

Our Solution: The best way to approach being intentional and thoughtful about social posts is to ask yourself if what you’re posting reflects your nonprofit’s mission and if it is going to bring legitimate value to your audience. It can also be helpful to draft a one-pager when doing content creation for social media. It really helps to pinpoint your key audiences and how you can target the different segments of your audience. Once you start to become more intentional with your content, you’ll see more interaction and be able to track valuable engagement.


2) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge“Getting buy in from leadership to put real money behind it. We also struggle with capacity to manage our digital marketing efforts.” – Michelle, Mi Casa Resource Center 

Our SolutionThere are many digital marketing channels nonprofits can take advantage of. However, when you don’t have the full capacity to manage many digital marketing channels for your nonprofit all at once, you have to pick one or two and start off small. A good place to start is taking advantage of the $10,000/month Google Ad Grant. With the Ad Grant, you will be able to report on how ads perform in terms of clicks, spend, and conversions and share that data with leadership. Once you have actual data to back the importance of digital marketing for your organization, it will provide an incentive for your leadership team to give more budget for future digital marketing efforts.


3) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: “Our social media platforms do not currently have a huge presence.” – Jessica, AMI Kids

Our Solution: When it comes to social media, it is easy to focus on your following and the size of your community. However, it is important to shift your focus to being intentional with what you’re posting and how often you’re posting. Quality and consistency are both key to growing your social media. As soon as you become intentional with your content, you’ll see more interaction and engagement. You’ll find that your followers are engaging with your content and connecting with your organization.


4) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: “We need help with a strategy to implement Google Adwords and other digital components to increase awareness and brand recognition for donors and engage current donors.” – Turner, United Way of The Midlands

Our SolutionWhen coming up with a strategy for your Google Ad Grant, you have to strategize how you want to tackle and reach your different audience segments. A good way to do this is by creating two different campaigns for branded and awareness traffic. Branded campaigns are good for reaching people who already know of your organization. Awareness campaigns are good for gaining traffic to your website and getting those who aren’t aware of your organization specifically but are interested in your cause.


5) Your Biggest Marketing Challenge: “Not knowing what my biggest digital marketing challenge is.” – Dena, Aneurysm and AVM Foundation

Our SolutionThe way to figure out what digital marketing challenges you’re facing is to think about what key drivers and low hanging fruit your organization should be tackling. That will typically allow you to get to the source of your biggest challenge and help you figure out how you can address it.

Cameron Ripley

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