Archive for Strategy

Nonprofit Branding Strategies: Building a Strong Brand for Impact

Nonprofit branding is having a moment.    As our culture and economy becomes more digitized and the number of messages we consume increases (researchers estimate the average person sees up to 10,000 ads each day) branding is a tool many organizations are using to stand out and build…

Plot Twist: 6 Reasons You Need Nonprofit Storytelling

Nonprofits are doing incredible boots-on-the-ground work every single day. Raising awareness. Providing education. Planting trees. Supplying food. Combating homelessness. Performing life changing research. You name the issue, and there is an incredible organization working hard to overcome it with nonprofit storytelling.   So how do you set your organization…

TikTok SEO: Tips to Increase Your Nonprofits Reach

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms with over 800 million active users worldwide. This makes it an attractive platform for nonprofits looking to reach their target audiences, spread awareness and raise funds. However, with millions of videos being uploaded daily, it can be challenging for…

Canva for Nonprofits: Boost Your Visuals and Impact

As you probably know by now, visuals have become a crucial component of effective nonprofit communication strategies. They have the power to evoke emotions, forge connections, and deliver complex messages in a memorable and accessible way. However, creating compelling visuals can be a challenge, especially for nonprofits with…

The 5 Kickstarter Lessons I Learned from a Crowdfunding Guru

I recently attended an online marketing meetup where we had the opportunity to hear the CEO of Velocity Growth speak. This is a company that helps to take on companies through Kickstarter campaigns and make them successful. Josh Baylin, the CEO broke down the benefits of launching a crowdfunding campaign and I…

Give Back to GiveBIG 2014 with Your Much Needed Feedback

First, we want to give a big thank you to The San Diego Foundation for strategizing and executing on such a successful and impactful GiveBIG 2014. It’s incredible that in one 24 hour period our local community was able to foster and raise over one million dollars for San…

How Nonprofits Can Build a Strong Community Partnership

Insights from San Diego’s Top Community Partners and Funders Recently, San Diego Nonprofit Association (SDNA), hosted the first of many interactive round-table Access to Experts event featuring some of San Diego’s top nonprofits and funders and discussed what it takes to build a long-lasting bridge between the two….

Quick Book Review of the 17 Books I Read in 2016

Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It…and Why the Rest Don’t (Rockefeller Habits 2.0) Author: Verne Harnish Rating (1-10): 10 Quick Takeaways: Incredible read for managers/leaders as you look to scale and grow teams. Great tools and recommendations to improve how you deal with people, strategy, execution and cash….

World’s Children Case Study

About World’s Children World’s Children supports the most vulnerable children in the world — children who have been abandoned or orphaned. Since 1965 they have cared for orphans, semi-orphans, homeless, abandoned, abused children and children with HIV/AIDS. Many are girls from poor families where they are not loved or…

How To Increase Your Newsletter Subscriptions

The Current State Of Newsletters Let’s be honest with ourselves. When we hear the word newsletter, what do we think? Monthly? Subscription? Informational? Lengthy? Not interested? It’s safe to say that the market is fairly saturated with newsletter subscription opt-in boxes like this: Now while these are better…