Archive for Donors

How to Launch a Meaningful Thank You Campaign for Donors

Never underestimate the power of a simple yet authentic “thank you.” A comprehensive, impactful thank-you campaign can turn one-time donors into recurring supporters of your mission.    To develop a powerful thank-you campaign, you must engage with donors to acknowledge their support and open the door to future…

Email Compliance For Nonprofit Organizations: Understanding CASL

CASL (Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation) is a set of laws that regulate commercial electronic messages (CEMs) in Canada. This includes emails, text messages, and other forms of electronic communication that are used for the purpose of promoting a product or service. While CASL applies to all organizations that send…

5 Inspiring Nonprofit Infographics That Engage Supporters

Infographics have been trending in popularity these past few years and it’s no wonder since 65 percent of the population are visual learners. They are a powerful tool for nonprofits to engage supporters by conveying complex information in an engaging and visually appealing way. Here are some ways…