Skid Row Housing Trust
Generating brand awareness and highlighting their career fair.
Nonprofit Google Ad Grants and Facebook Ads Success Story
Skid Row Housing Trust teamed up with Community Boost utilizing the Google Ad Grant and Facebook Advertising to drive brand awareness.

Ending Homelessness by Creating Permanent Supportive Housing
Skid Row Housing Trust provides permanent supportive housing so that people who have experienced homelessness, prolonged extreme poverty, poor health, disabilities, mental illness and/or addiction can lead safe, stable lives in wellness. Aside from housing, they also provide residents in their communities with health, recovery and treatment, education, and job training resources.
Increase Brand Awareness
Skid Row Housing Trust teamed up with Community Boost to manage their Google Ad Grant account, create brand awareness, and most recently, to highlight their career fair.

The Solution

Google Ad Grant Management
Knowing how effective the Ad Grant can be at garnering traffic, the Community Boost team created a robust initial build with a variety of keywords to capitalize on educational and informational searches, statistics around homelessness in LA, and how individuals can help fight homelessness. We also employed multiple bidding strategies to achieve significant scale across metrics.
The Ad Grant has seen significant scale, not only in terms of spend, but with traffic as well. The team has maintained a healthy Average CPC, while increasing the Click Through Rate and Conversions over time. To date, the account is nearly maxing the $10K Grant, spending $18,769.15 in the past 60 days, with an average Cost Per Click or $6.20 and a 6.58% Click Through Rate.

Facebook Advertising
Through use of Facebook advertising, the Community Boost team continues to manage an evergreen Brand Awareness campaign, testing creative, as well as a general Traffic campaign, which focused on interest audiences as well as competitor audiences, and Click campaign, which utilized industry specific targeting for audiences, for their recent Career Fair.
The evergreen Brand Awareness campaign has spent roughly $1,100, and has reached over 156K individuals, bringing in 15,300 Estimated Ad Recalls at an average of $0.07/recall. The Traffic campaign spent roughly $741, resulting in 1,224 Landing Page Views, while the Click campaign for the Career Fair spent roughly $140, due to time constraints, and still led to over 600 Link Clicks.
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